
The latest updates from Kyrios ChMS:

  1. Bug: Deaths - Certificate – the information filled in the sacraments field did not appear in the report
  2. Bug: Baptisms – family association –  The autocompletion of parents and grandparents when adding a new baptism was not being performed
  3. Bug: Curia – Elements of the clergy –  situations persisted in which when adding a user to a member of the clergy, his name was changed by filling in the user form
  1. Improvement: Reports (custom) - it becomes possible to share reports with other institutions, with a Diocese being able to add reports and share with all parishes
  2. Bug: Curia – Elements of the clergy - Photos were not appearing
  3. Bug: Curia – Provisions – I gave an error when downloading the PDFs
  1. New: Change Password - new version
  2. New: App – schedule notifications  – it is now possible to schedule the sending of the push notification, in the contents and events
  3. New: App – how to help  – there is a new feature that allows a specific button to be made available for a “how to help” content, where they must put a bank account indication and/or other forms of community help for existing needs. The button appears right in the highlighted area of the APP, as well as in the subscription menu. For the association of content, it must be defined in the settings of the Website.
  4. New: Provisions (curia)  - new version
  5. New: Accounting - integrated view (curia)  – new module that allows you to have an overview of the accounting of all subscriptions that are part of a Diocese (only for Dioceses with this feature)
  6. Improvement: Catechesis – permission to create new groups – the creation of new groups was restricted to Administrators, it is now available to users with access to Catechesis
  7. Improvement: Embed in the contents – the embed now supports the full width instead of being limited to a fixed width
  8. Bug: Institutions (curia) – when adding new institutions, I gave an error.
  9. Bug: Reports (institutions / departments) – gave an error when generating reports for subscriptions of the institutions / departments type
  10. Bug: Clergy data was being changed - Theo add a new user of type Clergy element, the element record in the curia was being updated in the name field and improperly active
  11. Bug: Confirmations – if a numerator was not defined, when saving a new record, the error message would appear, but without content
  12. Bug: Website – Contents/Events – Error writing new content
  1. New: Curia Profile – Elements of the Clergy – new version, which allows you to consult the file that the member of the clergy has in the Curia of their Diocese
  2. Improvement: Confirmations - search by confirmation - the possibility to filter by the name of the confirmation has been added.
  3. Bug: Marriages – missing filters in the betrothed selection modes – Missing filters were added, such as date of birth and taxpayer number
  4. Bug: Marriages - reports - dialogue with the bride - when selecting who the female files were appearing with, but they should be male
  5. Bug: Baptisms - letter to the godfather - in the text it was always welcomed, it starts to appear welcomed
  6. Bug: Accounting - accounts - when a subscription has no accounts and we create a parent account, when we are going to create a child the aggregating account selection mode does not show the accounts
  7. Bug: Accounting - postings -on the insert screen, do not open the modals to create quick type of document and diary
  1. New: Marriages (Curia)  - new version
  2. New: Economic Councils Module (Curia) - new version
  3. New: Functions (Curia)  - new version
  4. New: Importer - new version
  5. Improvement: Mass intentions – the applicant field is now optional.
  6. Improvement: Individual records – starts to appear catechizing in the listing
  7. Improvement: Individual records – when clicking to sort, when clicking on “registration number” it starts sorting by internal identifier, in this way the sequential ordering starts to appear correctly
  8. Improvement: Treasury – possibility of attaching documents (in Documents)
  9. Improvement: Treasury – Documents – new document total filter – allows you to filter documents where their total is greater than this value
  10. Improvement: Treasury – possibility of attaching documents (on checking account receipts)
  11. Improvement: Accounting – possibility to attach documents
  12. Improvement: Places (Dioceses, Archpriests, Parishes and Places of Worship) – Users at the level of a Diocese will now be able to edit all records of Archpriests, Parishes and Places of Worship that belong to the diocese (if they have access to the respective modules)
  13. Improvement: Countries – If the user has access to the Countries, he can insert and change them, however the removal is blocked
  14. Improvement: Parishes – It has a new “notes” field so that information about the Parish can be saved
  15. Improvement: Families – the column with the ID appears to allow sorting by column
  16. Bug: Marriages - Model 2 (Endorsement of the Eucharist and/or Confirmation on the margin of baptism) – changed the value that appeared in the column on the right, starting to appear the date in the areas where it has “in”. The date appeared in field (a), which must be the area where the parish priest must sign
  17. Bug: Marriages – mod 10 and mod 11 – the signature lacked the reference "by witnesses" (if missing, just enter the marriage, edit and save)
  18. Bug: Accounting - duplicate - gave error when duplicating entries
  1. Improvement: Individual sheets - Christian life tab - sacrament dates unlocked – the introduction of dates higher than the current day is now unlocked in the various sacraments that can be registered in the individual record
  2. Bug: Marriages – the name of the Parish of Destiny does not appear in Mod. 12  – the parish name did not appear on model 12
  3. Bug: Marriages - Selection of witnesses - the window for selecting witnesses was showing the list of entities not from the individual files 
  4. Bug: Curia - Baptisms – generate doc. treasury – if the treasury document associated with the process has already been generated, when editing, the save and issue doc button continued to appear. 
  5. Bug: Marriage – send to curia before saving – if you clicked the send to the curia button, even before clicking save it gave an error, now it saves and sends correctly
  6. Bug: Marriage - data from the canonical process – the canonical process data as well as the observations were not available in the query view
  7. Bug: Curia - elements of the clergy – the naming location filter modals (equal to) and (belongs to) were not displaying the correct information
  1. Improvement: Marriages - Field "will be signed" – is now unlocked when editing, thus being able to change the text. However, whenever you click edit, the text reappears with automatic formatting
  2. Improvement: Individual sheets - marriage date  – now allows you to enter a future date
  3. Bug: Marriages - Field "will be signed" – the automatic text was not complete, the officiant was not being considered
  4. Bug: Curia – Subscription Settings – the field did not appear that allowed to select which institution is managing the priestly fraternity / insurance 
  5. Bug: Parish – Archpriest field – the Archpriestship field was unlocked, which allowed you to directly write text instead of selecting one of the existing Archpriestships. This situation led to later errors in the reports, whenever a Parish was selected in which the Archpriestship was not properly associated. 
  6. Bug: Marriage – see treasury document – when clicking, the old module appeared
  1. New: Curia - Baptisms  - new version
  2. New: Curia - Secretariat  - new version
  3. New: Curia - Administrative Proceedings  - new version
  4. New: Curia – Ministries and Orders  - new version
  5. New: Marriages  - new version
  6. New: Treasury Locations (Treasury)  - new version
  7. Improvement: Contents (Web page)  – now allows adding iframes, allowing embedding and displaying PDF files inline using the google docs reader. The website must support your presentation. Example of how to put:
  8. Improvement: Individual sheets - Ordering  – the sorting from the record number column was improved, so that it starts sorting according to the order of insertion of records
  9. Improvement: Modules MECs, Acolytes and Readers – the possibility to enter future appointment and reappointment dates has been unlocked
  10. Bug: Individual sheets - listing reports  – the listing reports did not work if I changed the ordering of the columns 
  11. Bug: Curia - Elements of the Clergy  – the photographs did not appear 
  1. New: Curia - Elements of the Clergy  - new version
  2. Improvement: Locations – it is now possible to quickly add related records in place modules. As an example, when you are introducing a new Parish and if the Archpriestship does not exist, you can add the Archpriestship from the Parish creation/editing form
  3. Improvement: Spanish version - improvements in translations
  4. Bug: Documents - Treasury  – when selecting a document type, the series was not being automatically filled.
  1. New: Curia - Clergy Appointments (Processes) - new version
  2. Bug: Accounting – when there were several lines with decimal values in a launch, the validation totals were miscalculated and prevented recording of the launch
  3. Bug: Individual sheets - Catechesis – after correctly filling out the festivals in the Christian life, when looking at the details view, the year came up wrong. As an example, the 4th year parties were recorded, but in the details it appeared as 1st year
  4. Bug: Treasury - Documents – After selecting the entity, it was not associated with the receipt, preventing its recording
  5. Bug: Catechesis - Edit sessions – When editing sessions to change attendance, I gave an error
  6. Bug: Reports – In the various modules the list with the available reports could appear repeated
  1. New: Types of documents (Accounting) - new version
  2. New: Postings (Accounting) - new version
  3. New: Taxonomies (Accounting) - new version
  4. New: Transaction Types (Accounting) - new version
  5. New: Account Statement (Accounting) - new version
  6. New: Analytical Trial Balance (Accounting) - new version
  7. New: RGPD - new version
  8. Improvement: LINK to Dashboard as first element in APP menu – the menu now has the first element as Dashboard to easily switch between modules
  9. Improvement: Entity Selection Mode – Diocese Filter  starts to filter all public entities associated with the selected Diocese
  10. Bug: Internet page – editor – when switching between tabs the editor was no longer operational, however there was no data loss
  1. New: Exercises (Accounting) - new version
  2. New: Accounts (Accounting) - new version
  3. New: Diaries (Accounting) - new version
  4. New: Cost Centers (Accounting) - new version
  5. New: Documents (Treasury) - new version
  6. New: Current accounts (Treasury) - new version
  7. New: Document types (Treasury) - new version
  8. New: Layouts (Newsletter / SMS) - new version
  9. New: APP - photo galleries - if you have photo galleries in the content, they will also appear in the Kyrios APP
  10. New: Menus (Internet page) - URL support - support has been added to directly enter a URL that you want to open when clicking on the menu item. This feature is used in the Kyrios APP and on websites that are part of the Kyrios network (
  11. Improvement: APP - improved content scroll
  12. Improvement: Translations - improvements in translations
  13. Improvement: Html content editing bar (Internet page and Newsletter) - version evolution and addition of new features, such as HTML visualization
  14. Bug: Postings (Accounting) - gave error when saving entries in specific situations
  15. Bug: Documents (Treasury) - in the new version of the treasury whenever a new document was added, even choosing the type of document it was saved with the type of document predefined in the subscription
  16. Bug: Mass intentions - when inserting a new mass intention click on “save and add new” when filling in the new record the search fields were not operational
  1. New: Deaths - new version
  2. New: Mass Intentions - new version
  3. New: Mass intention types - new version
  4. New: Document management - new version
  5. New: Subscriptions (Newsletter) - new version
  6. New: Valences - new version
  7. New: Statistics - new version
  8. New: Elements of the clergy (Yearbook) - new version
  9. New: Institutions (Yearbook) - new version
  10. New: Newsletters - new version
  11. New: Group subscriptions (Newsletters) - new version
  12. New: Tickets - new version
  13. New: Types of agreement - new version
  14. New: Covenant processing - new version
  15. New: Baptism (Sacraments) - new version
  16. New: Confirmation (Sacraments) - new version
  17. New: Catechumenate (Sacraments) - new version
  18. New: Subscription settings - new version
  19. Improvement: Users - changing the name of the subscription users module to users
  20. Improvement: Institutions (Curia) - added the possibility to activate / deactivate
  22. Improvement: SMTP email sending settings (available in subscription settings - improvements in its operation and added name field to be able to define the “sent by” field
  23. Improvement: APP - content sharing - the APP allows the sharing of dynamic links, allowing sharing even with users who do not have the APP installed
  24. Improvement: Confirms - confirming minister - when selecting the confirming minister, the individual files will also appear, so that you can introduce former ministers or those from other dioceses
  25. Bug: Parishes - when choosing diocese to filter it gave error
  26. Bug: Curia - issue treasury documents based on the processes - there was an error in the process numerator
  27. Bug: Catechism - if there was no summary, it was not possible to edit or delete the session
  28. Bug: Catechism - error when presenting catechesis groups to some users
  29. Bug: Internet page - settings - in certain situations there was an error when editing the settings of the internet page
  30. Bug: Numerators - the search was not operational
  31. Bug: Reports - logo - when changing the logo, the reports of the individual files stopped working
  32. Bug: APP - in the case of being a Diocese, the details did not appear
  1. New: SMTP email sending settings (available in subscription settings) - it is now possible to set up an email account that will be used to send newsletters and current account emails
  2. New: Definitions - Numerators - new version
  3. New: Definitions - Groups - new version
  4. New: Definitions - Fees - new version
  5. New: Definitions - Degrees of kinship - new version
  6. New: Settings - Report configuration - new version
  7. Improvement: SMS - if there is an error in sending a number, the number that gave an error in the sending register will be registered
  8. Improvement: Website - improvements in the responsiveness of content management screens
  9. Bug: Parish Research Modal - when searching for the parish of Creixomil several errors arise and Creixomil de Guimarães does not appear
  10. Bug: Website - settings - there was an error when editing the settings
  11. Bug: APP - catechesis sessions - only the first 10 sessions
  12. Bug: Switch subscription - search with accents didn't work
  1. New: Catechism - new version
  2. Improvement: Individual records - improved presentation layout of filters
  3. Bug: App - forms on Samsung S20 devices gave an error and closed the application
  4. Bug: Website - when associating the layout "news list" in the main menu item, there was an error
  1. New: App - Notifications - now supports push notifications
  2. New: Website - Contents and Events - now supports sending push notifications to the Kyrios App
  3. Improvement: Individual records - Search - the desktop layout was appearing in 1 column, it was changed to appear in 2
  4. Improvement: Website - Events - the content field becomes optional
  5. Improvement: Website - Contents and Events - new features to format the content in the content field: open links on a new page, change the font, change the font size and add background color to the text
  6. Bug: Website - Menus: duplicate layouts were appearing
  7. Bug: Paróquia - Timetable - was not allowing to eliminate schedules
  8. Bug: Family records - was not allowing to add new elements in the household
  1. New: Reports - now supports the possibility of generating list reports with all the data from the individual records, allowing the report to be generated in PDF, DOCX, XLSX, ODT and ODS)
  2. Improvement: Internet page - the size of the content field was increased to allow images with better quality, allowing that in total the content field could exceed the 100KB limit that existed
  3. Improvement: Mobile - improvements in the user experience on mobile devices
  4. Bug: Covenants / Types of Covenants: was not allowing to add new type of agreement
  5. Bug: Form of a Parish - the possibility of adding and editing the image of the Parish was missing
  6. Bug: Listings / Search: after conducting a search, if you delete / edit / add a record the listing was being updated without paying attention to the filters
  7. Bug: Dashboard - link menu reporting was not working
  8. Bug: Reports - the reports that already exist pre-defined, had a limit of 6000 records. There is no longer this limit and it is now possible to generate PDF reports with more records
  9. Bug: Institutions - the printing of the reports in the institutions module (Curia) was giving error
  10. Bug: Internet / Menus: when editing a menu, the contents, sections and layout are not being loaded
  1. Improvement: Improvements in the layout for mobile devices
  2. Improvement: Correction of some subtitles / translations and icons
  3. Improvement: In the Parishes module, the advanced search allows you to filter the Parishes by the full name of the Diocese or Arciprestado. As an example in the past, if you searched for Braga in the Diocese, all the Parishes of Braga and Bragança would appear. At this moment, only those corresponding to the full name appear
  4. Improvement: Internet page - content and events - more options were added to the editing bar, such as the alignments and colors of the font
  5. Bug: bug fix that caused the configuration wizard to always appear, even having indicated in the settings that you do not want the warnings on the dashboard
  6. Bug: Individual file - calendar - putting for example the date 10/04/2018 was kept as 9/04/2018. This situation happened with some specific dates.
  7. Bug: Parish - adding Mass times was giving error when saving 
  1. Bug: bug fix in the new version that caused the individual files reports to not open correctly
  1. New: New version of Kyrios, v5, with new layout and new features
  2. New: Possibility to duplicate records in all modules that are already in v5
  1. Improvement: Individual Records in the Declaration of Suitability
  2. Fix: Internet Page - Content, problem that prevented deleting content
  3. Fix: Dashboard, permissions application
  4. New: Subscription Definitions - possibility to indicate whether the priest responsible for the parish is a Parish Priest or Parish Administrator
  5. Fix: Various fixes in the reports