Kyrios Social – what is it?

Kyrios Social aims to be the interface with the community.

Kyrios Social replaces the need for a specific website, includes innovative features and over the next few years will evolve to become the link with your community of current and future times leading your community to Web 3.0.

how to access #

Kyrios Social is now available.

All subscriptions that have the option “Share content on the Kyrios mobile application” also appear on this Portal (you can see here how it's done).

The access address is:

Try it and by opening the address you will find the Pages available in the Pages menu and each Page has its own space, having a Main Page, menu and contents.

General appearance of a page in Kyrios Social #

Functionalities #

As mentioned, Kyrios Social is the communication portal with your community. It includes many features and will include many more.

Below we mention the features that are already available and the features that will emerge over time:

Web Portal

Communicate with your community in the simplest way possible. You don't have to worry about building a website from scratch, you benefit from a well-kept and properly thought out and structured look for communication and interaction with your target audience.


Present your content, whether presentation, news or content to support catechesis.


Share the schedule of events that interest your community. The closest events are highlighted and in the details you have the possibility to add them directly to your calendar.


You can share any content, whether news or agenda. It has available to share with the most used social networks, as well as the possibility to copy the link to share manually.


Your community can now join your subscription. Through Kyrios Social, it is possible for each Parishioner (or user) to register, which requires approval from one of the Administrators of the subscription. After approval, the user's individual file is created in Kyrios.

Cryptocurrency donations

You can now accept donations in cryptocurrencies.

This feature will be greatly improved, but you can start accepting donations in the technology that is already changing the world.


Available soon.

Possibility to manage the Family, as well as all the elements of the Household.

Mass intention requests

Available soon.

Possibility to request and schedule Mass intention requests.

Messages / Chat

Available soon.

Possibility of exchanging messages with the subscription managers (Parson, Administrative Services, …).


Available soon.

Possibility to consult and monitor the evolution of the Catechesis of the elements that are attending the Catechesis of the Aggregate.


Available soon.

Possibility of starting the baptism request, as well as monitoring and consulting the Baptism records that are associated with the user.


Available soon.

Possibility of initiating the marriage request, as well as monitoring and consulting the Baptism records that are associated with the user.