Transfers are only available in editing and allow recording the transfers that occur from the group in question to another parish.
To transfer a catechist from our parish to another, we must:
- click on the transfers tab (catechesis must be in editing, if not, you can click on the edit button);
- click the button
which is in the transfers tab;
- fill in the line or lines (1 line appears for each boy to be transferred):
- Transited? – means that the boy has moved from year to year;
- just approx. pastoral year? – it serves to indicate that the registration should only be considered for the beginning of the new pastoral year, for example a boy can apply for a transfer in the middle of the year, but only start his participation at the beginning of the next pastoral year;
- Catechizing – selecting which boy to transfer;
- Destination parish – select the parish to which you will be transferred;
- Date – is the order date.
To print the transfer document, after recording the transfer request and click on save to update the catechesis, when returning to the transfers tab:

find the icon next to each transfer and when you click on it, the transfer document appears with the following appearance: