Base settings for a website hosted on Kyrios (Multi - 1 model)

Multi Model - 1 #

1 - Menus #

There should be a menu with the name Menu that will be the header menu:

2 - Highlights #

“Highlight” section

3 - News #

Contents of the “News” section

4 - Agenda #

Contents of Events

5 - Image of the content with the keyword “site-header” #

6 - Liturgy of the day #

Active by default

7 - I pray #

Active by default

8 - Content with the keyword “site-call-to-action” #

9 - Content with the keyword “site-footer-schedule” #

10 - Content with the keyword “site-footer-contacts” #

11 - Content with the keyword “site-footer-address” #

12 - Links to social networks #

  • Instagram – content with the title “site-instagram” and the link in the “summary” field
  • facebook - content with the title "site-facebook" and the link in the "abstract" field
  • youtube – content with the title “site-youtube” and the link in the “summary” field