
Table of Contents

It is in the deaths that we carry out all the management of the respective processes.

Register a new death #

You should access the menu Archive and select Deaths

[WARNING: This module needs to have a numerator, you should initially go to the Settings > Numerators menu] 

  1. You should select the option 
  2. On the first tab Death you must fill in the respective form

  3. It is possible to automatically issue the document associated with the death, to do this you must fill in the data relating to the Treasury Document and being in the editing screen you can click on the button 
  4. on the second tab Reports must be completed to issue a statement

  5. After executing the Save option, and as in all registration forms, by making a query you will be able to access the menu Reports (available in the form header) which allows the printing / downloading of various forms available to the user, containing the data entered in the respective form.