In the individual sheets you have a huge amount of information available to be able to create reports tailored to your needs.
Using this feature is simple and you can use your own word or Excel to define the report you want, which you then upload to Kyrios so that it can be generated with your data.
Below are two examples of how you can create a report to display Parishioners' marriage data, one in word and another in Excel.
Example of how to create a Word report to present Parishioners' marriage data #
First, open Word, place static texts, that is, texts that are not generated by Kyrios, such as the Title, header, footer, tables and styles:

Now let's add the variables that will be filled by Kyrios. In this case, we will use the following (below there is a table with all the variables available for the Individual Sheets):
- {d[i]}
- {d[i].entity.mobilephone}
- {d[i]}
- {d[i]}
- {d[i].entity.civil_status}
- {d[i].maritial_status}
- {d[i].wedding_date}
In the first row of the table we are going to put the variables as described above, as it is the first row, but in the second row we want Kyrios to know that it is to put all the other rows it has, so we have to add +1 to follow {d[i]., thus:
This way, Kyrios will interpret what you put in the Word file to fill the table with all the records that are in Kyrios' filter.
So our report now looks like this (you can download this template here):

Now we are going to upload the file to Kyrios and we are also going to indicate where it should appear. Thus, you should open the Reporting module:

Then click on “Add Report” to add a new report and fill in the form, attaching the report file you just created in Word.
In the example, we fill in the form as follows:
- Name: Individual cards – with marriage date (WORD)
- Report Type: Detailed List
- Module: Individual sheets
- Export Type: PDF
- Report file: here you must attach your word file

After clicking on Save, you can access the individual records module and you should find your report already available (if not, refresh the page). These reports appear before Kyrios' predefined reports so that you can easily identify them:

As the data appearing in the report is the one that appears on the screen, it is advisable that before clicking on it, filter the data you want.
In this case, as we only want the Parishioners data that are active, we will select these filters:

Now with the data properly filtered, we can click to generate the report:

How, we configure to generate a PDF file, what will appear to us is the following:

Example of how to create an Excel report to display Parishioners' marriage data #
First, open Excel, place static texts, that is, texts that are not generated by Kyrios, such as the Title, header, footer, tables and styles:

Now let's add the variables that will be filled by Kyrios. In this case, we will use the following ones, which are the same as the ones used in the Word example above, plus the spouse's name (below there is a table with all the variables available for the Individual Sheets):
- {d[i]}
- {d[i].entity.mobilephone}
- {d[i]}
- {d[i]}
- {d[i].entity.civil_status}
- {d[i].maritial_status}
- {d[i].wedding_date}
- {d[i].entity_spouse_description}
In the first row of the table we are going to put the variables as described above, as it is the first row, but in the second row we want Kyrios to know that it is to put all the other rows it has, so we have to add +1 to follow {d[i]., thus:
This way, Kyrios will interpret what you put in the Excel file to fill the table with all the records that are in Kyrios' filter.
So our report now looks like this (you can download this template here):

Now we are going to upload the file to Kyrios and we are also going to indicate where it should appear. Thus, you should open the Reporting module:

Then click on “Add Report” to add a new report and fill in the form, attaching the report file you just created in Excel, saving in ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) format.
In the example, we fill in the form as follows:
- Name: Individual cards - with marriage date (EXCEL)
- Report Type: Detailed List
- Module: Individual sheets
- Export Type: XLSX
- Report file: here you must attach your Excel file

In this example, we choose to indicate that we want to generate an Excel file, so we can open and filter the records.
After clicking on Save, you can access the individual records module and you should find your report already available (if not, refresh the page). These reports appear before Kyrios' predefined reports so that you can easily identify them:

As the data appearing in the report is the one that appears on the screen, it is advisable that before clicking on it, filter the data you want.
In this case, as we only want the Parishioners data that are active, we will select these filters:

Now with the data properly filtered, we can click to generate the report:

How, we configure to generate an Excel file, what will appear to us is the following:

Complete list of available variables for individual sheets #
Designation | Field | Information example |
Name | {d[i]} | "Homer Simpson" |
address | {d[i].entity.address} | "Maison Street" |
Telephone | {d[i]} | “4324355” |
Fax | {d[i].entity.fax} | null |
mobile phone | {d[i].entity.mobilephone} | “6674446” |
{d[i]} | “[email protected]” | |
URL | {d[i].entity.url} | null |
Active | {d[i].entity.disabled} | true |
NIF | {d[i].entity.taxpayer} | “34234234” |
Marital status | {d[i].entity.civil_status} | "Cathotically Married" |
Creation date | {d[i].entity.created_at} | "2018-01-29T11: 53: 19.000 + 00: 00" |
Update date | {d[i].entity.updated_at} | "2020-11-17T12:46:20,000+00:00" |
can sign documents | {d[i].entity.can_sign_documents} | false |
District | {d[i].entity.district} | "Springfield" |
county | {d[i].entity.county} | "Springfield" |
Postal Code | {d[i].entity.postal_code} | “78474” |
port number | {d[i].entity.door_number} | “22” |
parish of residence | {d[i].entity.parish} | null |
location | {d[i]} | "Springfield" |
removed | {d[i].entity.deleted} | false |
complete list | {d[i].entity.complete_relation} | "Homer Simpson" |
Subscribed to the newsletter | {d[i].entity.newsletter_subscriptor} | false |
Place of worship of the residence | {d[i].entity.residence_chapelry_description} | null |
GPS (Longitude) | {d[i].entity.longitude} | null |
GPS (Latitude) | {d[i].entity.latitude} | null |
{d[i].entity.entity_birth_chapelry_description} | null | |
{d[i].entity.entity_birth_chapelry_free_text} | "Springfield" | |
{d[i].entity.tax_designation} | null | |
{d[i].entity.is_public_profile} | true | |
{d[i].entity.country_description} | "USA" | |
registration code | {d[i].id} | 332058 |
Gender | {d[i].sex} | true |
Deceased | {d[i].deceased} | false |
Title | {d[i].title} | "Mr." |
Date of birth | {d[i].birth_date} | “1958-06-09” |
Type of identification document | {d[i].ident_document_type} | "Citizen Card" |
Identification document number | {d[i].ident_document_number} | “22323” |
Identification document issue date | {d[i].ident_document_emission_date} | “2018-05-08” |
Qualifications | {d[i].qualifications} | "2nd Cycle (6th Year)" |
type of marriage | {d[i].maritial_status} | "Catholic" |
marriage date | {d[i].wedding_date} | “1989-12-28” |
Profession - Company | {d[i].professional_company} | "Springfield Nuclear Power Plant" |
Profession - Position | {d[i].professional_post} | "Security Inspector" |
Profession - Telephone | {d[i].professional_phone} | “43434” |
Profession - Fax | {d[i].professional_fax} | “53545454” |
Profession - Email | {d[i].professional_email} | null |
Is it baptized? | {d[i].christian_baptized} | true |
Baptism - Baptism date | {d[i].christian_baptized_date} | “1960-06-07” |
Baptism - seat number | {d[i].christian_baptized_number} | “33” |
Baptism - seat number | {d[i].christian_baptized_sheet} | "45v" |
Did you make your first communion? | {d[i].christian_first_communion} | true |
First Communion - Date | {d[i].christian_first_communion_date} | “1965-06-08” |
First Communion - Seat No. | {d[i].christian_first_communion_number} | “332” |
First Communion - Sheet | {d[i].christian_first_communion_sheet} | “55” |
Did you make the solemn communion? | {d[i].christian_solemn_communion} | false |
Solemn Communion - Date | {d[i].christian_solemn_communion_date} | null |
Did the confirmation? | {d[i].christian_chrism} | true |
Confirmation - date | {d[i].christian_chrism_date} | “1975-07-09” |
Confirmation- seat number | {d[i].christian_chrism_number} | “444” |
Confirmation - sheet | {d[i].christian_chrism_sheet} | null |
Did you attend catechism? | {d[i].christian_attended_catechism} | false |
Catechesis - last year attended | {d[i].christian_often_eucharist} | null |
Comments | {d [i] .comments} | null |
{d[i].professional_url} | null | |
{d[i].professional_district} | null | |
{d[i].professional_county} | null | |
{d[i].professional_postal_code} | null | |
{d[i].professional_door_number} | null | |
{d[i].professional_parish} | null | |
{d[i].christian_baptized_district} | "Springfield" | |
{d[i].christian_baptized_county} | "Springfield" | |
{d[i].professional_address} | null | |
{d[i].christian_first_communion_district} | "Springfield" | |
{d[i].christian_first_communion_county} | "Springfield" | |
{d[i].christian_solemn_communion_district} | null | |
{d[i].christian_solemn_communion_county} | null | |
{d[i].christian_chrism_district} | "Springfield" | |
{d[i].christian_chrism_county} | "Springfield" | |
{d[i].christian_attended_catechism_district} | null | |
{d[i].christian_attended_catechism_county} | null | |
{d[i].professional_mobilephone} | null | |
{d[i].birth_place_county} | "Springfield" | |
{d[i].birth_place_parish} | "Springfield" | |
{d[i].is_catechized} | false | |
{d[i].time_of_birth} | null | |
{d[i].professional_locality} | null | |
{d[i].ident_document_validity_date} | null | |
{d[i].ident_document_emitted_by} | null | |
{d[i].is_adopted} | false | |
{d[i].previous_address} | null | |
{d[i].suitability_request} | null | |
{d[i].entity_wedding_location_description} | “Macau – Cathedral > Parish Church” | |
{d[i].christian_baptized_worshipplace_description} | “United States of America > Newark > New Jersey > Our Lady of Fatima > Parish Church” | |
{d[i].christian_first_communion_worshipplace_description} | “United States of America > Newark > New Jersey > Our Lady of Fatima > Parish Church” | |
{d[i].christian_solemn_communion_worshipplace_description} | null | |
{d[i].christian_chrism_worshipplace_description} | “United States of America > Newark > New Jersey > Our Lady of Fatima > Parish Church” | |
{d[i].christian_attended_catechism_worshipplace_description} | null | |
{d[i].outside_chapelry_description} | null | |
{d[i].entity_father_description} | "Abraham Simpson" | |
{d[i].entity_mother_description} | "Mona Simpson" | |
{d[i].entity_spouse_description} | "Lisa Simpson" | |
{d[i].baptized_chrismed_description} | null | |
Profession - Profession (description) | {d[i].professional_profession_description} | "Environment Inspector" |
{d [i] .serie_number} | “5” | |
{d[i].christian_first_confession} | false | |
{d[i].christian_first_confession_date} | null | |
{d[i].christian_first_confession_worshipplace_description} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_party_1} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_party_1_name} | "Welcoming Party" | |
{d[i].catechism_party_1_date} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_year_1} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_inscription_date_1} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_attendance_1} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_failures_1} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_party_2} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_party_2_name} | "Feast of the Our Father" | |
{d[i].catechism_party_2_date} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_year_2} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_inscription_date_2} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_attendance_2} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_failures_2} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_party_3} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_party_3_name} | "Feast of the Eucharist" | |
{d[i].catechism_party_3_date} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_year_3} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_inscription_date_3} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_attendance_3} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_failures_3} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_party_4} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_party_4_name} | "Bible Delivery" | |
{d[i].catechism_party_4_date} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_year_4} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_inscription_date_4} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_attendance_4} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_failures_4} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_party_5} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_party_5_name} | "Delivery of the Credo" | |
{d[i].catechism_party_5_date} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_year_5} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_inscription_date_5} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_attendance_5} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_failures_5} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_party_6_name} | "Feast of Faith" | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_year_6} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_inscription_date_6} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_attendance_6} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_failures_6} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_party_7} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_party_7_name} | "Blessings" | |
{d[i].catechism_party_7_date} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_year_7} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_inscription_date_7} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_attendance_7} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_failures_7} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_party_8} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_party_8_name} | "Feast of Life" | |
{d[i].catechism_party_8_date} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_year_8} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_inscription_date_8} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_attendance_8} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_failures_8} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_party_9} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_party_9_name} | "Celebration of Commitment" | |
{d[i].catechism_party_9_date} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_year_9} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_inscription_date_9} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_attendance_9} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_failures_9} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_party_10} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_party_10_name} | "Sending Party" | |
{d[i].catechism_party_10_date} | null | |
{d[i].attended_catechism_year_10} | false | |
{d[i].catechism_inscription_date_10} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_attendance_10} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_failures_10} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_1_obs} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_2_obs} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_3_obs} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_4_obs} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_5_obs} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_6_obs} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_7_obs} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_8_obs} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_9_obs} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_10_obs} | null | |
{d[i].catechism_last_year} | null | |
{d[i].lives_with} | null | |
{d[i].lives_with_text} | null | |
{d[i].catechized_has_brothers_info} | null | |
{d[i].catechized_has_catechized_brothers} | null | |
{d[i].entity_birth_place_description} | "USA" | |
{d[i].professional_country_description} | null | |
{d[i].entity.entity_mec.institution_date} | null | |
{d[i].entity.entity_mec.mec_number} | null | |
{d[i].entity.entity_mec.institution_center_worshipplace_description} | null | |
{d[i].entity.entity_mec.magnetic_number} | null | |
{d[i].entity.entity_catechist.initiation_course_evaluation} | null | |
{d[i].entity.entity_catechist.initiation_course_date} | null | |
{d[i].entity.entity_catechist.general_course_date} | null | |
{d[i].entity.entity_catechist.general_course_evaluation} | null | |
{d[i].entity.entity_catechist.complementary_course_date} | null | |
{d[i].entity.entity_catechist.complementary_course_evaluation} | null | |
{d[i].entity.entity_elder_patient.sunday_communion} | false | |
{d[i].entity.entity_elder_patient.anointing_ofthe_sick_date} | null | |
{d[i].entity.entity_elder_patient.anointing_ofthe_sick_locale} | null | |
{d[i].entity.entity_elder_patient.sick} | false | |
{d[i].entity.entity_elder_patient.elder} | false | |
{d[i].entity.entity_elder_patient.sunday_communion_minister_description} | null |